Campus-Based Military Liaison
Assistant Principal
Welcome to the GMS Military Families Information Page. This page serves as a guide and resource for active-duty, retired, and civilian support staff, whose children are enrolled or looking to enroll in Grapevine Middle School.
Veterans Day Tribute Assembly on November 11th
Student led activities during the Month of the Military Child (April)
Military Breakfast on April 28th
Military Pride Day on April 4th
Purple Up! Day on April 11th & 25th
After school meetings with military family students (throughout the year)
The following on-campus military liaisons serve as a point of contact between military-connected families and the campus.
They will help your student by:
Integrate the Military child into the campus.
Reports to the principal on transitional issues for the parent or child.
Advocates and provides program information and support to military families.
Interacts with Military parents and students for personal needs.
Provide optimal customer service to all students, employees, parents, community members and any other stakeholders of the district.
New Student Registration - All the information you need about enrolling a new student to Grapevine Middle School.
District Attendance Map- Find what schools your address is zoned for.
GCISD Curriculum Homepage- Our curriculum will be under the Middle School heading, then choose your student's grade.
District Middle School Information: Includes counseling department links and information on transitioning to High School
2023-2024 Course Offerings (required and electives): Choose your student's grade level to see specific courses.
This list of Veteran and military discounts are good all year round and will be updated as we learn of more. These discounts are being shared so that Veterans, military members, their families, caregivers and survivors are aware of all resources available to them.
*GCISD does not endorse the services or products provided by these lists. GCISD is not responsible for the content provided on this link.
National Resources
Blue Star Families - Support. Connect. Empower-for military families by military families
Love and Logic - Parenting-Raising responsible children
Screening for Mental Health - Resource for mental health tools
Survivor Outreach Services- Provides long-term support to families of fallen soldiers.
Supporting Children & Youth During Deployment: Military OneSource helps families understand how to support children during deployment by paying close attention to their reactions and using available resources.
Military Child Education Coalition - Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Resources for military families
National Military Family Association - Provides free camps for children in military families.
Military Impacted Schools Association - Serve school districts with a high concentration of military children
Military OneSource - Free books, DVDs, resources, handouts, etc.
Military Officers Association of America - Financial assistance for students who are children of former, current or retired military
Operation Military Kids - Support for children and youth impacted by deployment
Operation We are Here - Resources for Military Families
Operation Homefront- Assists military families during difficult financial times (food,auto/home repair, vision care, travel and transportation, home essentials, and moving & financial assistance)
American Red Cross - Emergency aid and support for military families
United Through Reading - Parent records reading a book online/via video/tape recorder and it is sent to the child
US Department of Defense- DOD Resources
DODEA -Dept. of Defense Education Activities: Partnership and Resources
DODEA School Liaison Officers-Dept. of Defense School Liaison Program
Penn State Clearinghouse- School Resources to support military-connected students
Military Careers- Learn about various career paths available in the military
What should I do if my child is interested in extracurricular activities?
Students/Parents are welcome to contact the school and their information will immediately be given to the sponsors of the extra-curricular activities so that they can be included in them. Students are also eligible to audition during the open audition periods. You can also get into contact with the campus based military liaison and they will give you more information.
Is tutoring available if my child is struggling academically with the transition?
Yes. Campus-based tutoring is available for transitioning military connected students. In addition,* has free tutoring for military connected students. for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a program that provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members, civilian personnel, and their dependents. With live, expert tutors available 24/7, military-connected students can receive academic help at their moment of need—anywhere they have an internet connection.
*This is not an endorsement of this particular service.