Picture of a clipboard with the words Attendance & Absences & Signing in/out


GMS, Attendance Clerk

Phone: (817) 251-5654

Fax: (817)-424-1626

If a student must be absent from school a parent/guardian should call attendance or send an email each day to report the absence. There is a chance I will not be able to answer the call so feel free to leave a message stating the student's name and the reason for the absence. I will also accept a note from the parent/guardian the day the student returns to school.  If there is no contact with the parent/guardian, the student will receive an unexcused absence.

If a student is missing for a doctor's appointment, it is very important to always get a note from the doctor and present it when signing into school or returning the following day. You or your physician may fax or email the doctor's note directly to me.

Checking Out or Leaving Early

Anyone picking up a student must be on the Skyward Family/Emergency Contact before signing out a student. Have your driver’s license with you as you will be required to provide identification at the Raptor Kiosks. Sign out your child at the attendance desk with Mrs. Scott in the front office. Please allow plenty of time as students in Athletics or lunch may take longer to come to Attendance quickly. Students will not be pulled from class until a parent arrives at school.

Signing In/Late Arrival

Classroom instruction begins at 8:10.  Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom at 8:10.  If you are dropping your student off to school after 8:10, please bring them to the main entrance so they can receive a Late/Tardy Slip at Attendance.  Students are considered unexcused if they arrive after 8:30 without a doctor/parent note explaining illness.  Lateness due to missing the bus, oversleeping, traffic, car trouble, weather-related, travel, etc. are unexcused.

Parents do not need to accompany their student into the building if they have sent their student in with a doctor/parent note in hand, or have called Attendance to report the late arrival.

Deliveries/Drop Off at Vestibule

We will do our best to assist in coordinating with pick up for laptops, cell phones, band instruments, and ID badges, but will be limited to staff availability and these items may not get to your child right away.  Homework, gym clothes, etc. may not be guaranteed to be delivered to students depending on staff availability.  It is the parent/student's responsibility to coordinate these items with your student. 

For student lunch drop offs, you can leave them on the table in the entry vestibule. Make sure they are labeled with your student's name (there are sticky notes provided on the table.) We will not call down students for drop-offs, though you may text or let them know yourself, they will have to come to pick it up during lunch or between passing periods. It is recommended that students charge a lunch if they forget to bring one because we can not ensure that they will get the lunch left on the table.

NOTE: Students may not order DoorDash, UberEats or Favour (etc) to be delivered to campus. Food drop-offs MUST be made by the student's parent/guardian/emergency contact.